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1.02.2021 · Aktualisierung: 2.10.2023

Highly recommended plastic surgeon

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Bewertung von Nataliech:

Highly recommended plastic surgeon

I started to think about augmentation and lift of my breast in 2017. I made a huge web search and visited 12 surgeons in Norway, Russia and Germany personally to determine whom I would trust with my body and health. I was skeptical in the beginning that a young, beautiful, fragile woman could perform surgery in a cool-headed and professional manner. After visiting Dr. Berger in 2018, I was still not sure whether I would do breast surgery, but I was sure that if I did, then only by her. Dr. Berger does not advise her patients anything that does not correspond to body proportions. Dr. Berger listens to the patient's wishes and takes into account the patient's lifestyle. I am an active triathlete and could not have very large breasts, but I wanted them to be more significant. Dr. Berger has excellent aesthetic taste and is a great professional.My expectations were that I would get breasts aesthetically better than I had and with the least risk to my health and with the greatest guarantee that I would not have to redo and correct. My expectations were not just confirmed. I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined that Dr. Berger would be able to create what nature and age inexorably take away from a young woman. My breasts are the subject of my everyday joy and pride, confidence in my femininity and sexuality. Dr. Berger is not only an excellent specialist, but also a super warm and humane woman and even the most frightened and skeptical patient will feel secure and comfortable. Dr. Berger has an excellent office in the heart of Munich. Her team both at the office and in the clinic are friendly and professional. I am very grateful to the Dr. Berger for her excellent performance and sincerity and humanity. I highly recommend Dr. Berger for any woman who wishes to improve the appearance of her breasts with minimal risk. If my daughter ever comes to the decision to change the size and appearance of her breasts, I will definitely advise her to see Dr. Berger. Nataliе, Oslo, Norway


Kommentar (1)

Hello and a warm welcome, Natalie!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience here with us. We are delighted that everything went well and that you are that greatful and happy with the results.
Kind regards
Uli and the Estheticon Team

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