Hallo, ich möchte heute meine Erfahrungen meiner Brustvergrößerung durch Implantate 280cc von Eurosilicone mit euch teilen. Die OP ist jetzt...
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Bewertung von marianadias23:
Since the first appointment with Dr.Klöppel and his team I felt that I was in super good hands. Everyone is extremely professional and supportive.In my first appointment, Dr.Klöppel advised me to proceed with the Transaxillary method, where the benefits are clear: avoiding a scar on the breast! The incision is made in the axilla and after 3 months the scar is barely noticed. In the same appointment I opted for round implants (even if previously I considered the drop shape ones). Again, Dr. Klöppel ensured me that round implants can offer a natural shape and – indeed - that is what I got. I couldn’t be more happy. All the further process was also really pleasing (associated bureaucracies and free appointments to clarify all my doubts).Naturally, the pain was quite severe in the first week after the operation, but everything was manageable with painkillers. The team was available around the clock, specifically Dr. Stephanie Wintzer that was essential during pre- and post-surgery.If you are looking for a professional team who listens to your wishes and values naturality, take into account Dr. Klöppel clinic. I am telling you: you won’t regret the journey!
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Hallo, ich möchte heute meine Erfahrungen meiner Brustvergrößerung durch Implantate 280cc von Eurosilicone mit euch teilen. Die OP ist jetzt...
WeiterlesenVorneweg: wer darauf steht ausgiebig vom PC betüttelt zu werden, ist hier falsch. Ich kam zum Beratungstermin und bekam meine Fragen beantwortet. Ich durfte Proben anziehen um eine Vorstellung vom Resultat bekommen. Ich war vorher in woanders...
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