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12.08.2020 · Aktualisierung: 8.10.2023

Dr Hamers is for that kind of surgery definitely the best

Es lohnt sich
2 Standorte in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bewertung von Neve:

Dr Hamers is for that kind of surgery definitely the best

I had my Bbl around 2,5 months ago. So far everything looks great and I am really happy with my decision. I already had an appointment the year before but i was so scared of anastesia that i got sick the night before surgery and had to postpone. Dr Hamers is amazing, he takes a lot if time to talk with patients and explaines everything well. His anasthesiologist is also great and was able to take away my fear. also the rest of his team is always available, his coordinator ladies always respond to questions, even on weekends. I was in pain right after the surgery and the following day but then it gets better quickly. Sleeping on the belly is also painful the first week but then it gets better. I wish i had done this surgery before. My butt is maybe not quite as round as i had wished for, but the fact that i have curves now is worth all the pain. I would only go to Dr Hamers for that kind of surgery, he is definitely the best.


Kommentar (1)

Hello, from wich areas did the doctor take the fat from and how much did you nearly pay for it?

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