Ein ganz ganz großes Lob an Frau Dr. Ulatowski, von Gespräch 1 bis zum OP Tag und der Nachsorge kann ich nur sagen Spitze. Ich bin jetzt 3 Wochen...
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I had contacted Mr Edelmann from England and had asked him all the questions I had on email. His kind receptionist had not only communicated with me well but had also provided me with all the information I had asked for. I had emailed many doctors but was only satisfied with him. He not only arranged the consultation for me but also gave me the operation option within the same week, which for me was very convenient. The consultation took place on the 2nd September and my operation was done on the 4th September. I must say his staff was not only kind but also really caring and sweet. The room I was giving had all the facilities someone can ask for after a painful breast augmentation. I showed Mr Edelmann pictures and he clearly understood what I had asked for. I was really nervous and scared but his friendly and calm attitude helped me settle quick. I had quite a lot of pain the first 5 days after the operation but the medication he had prescribed me with was really helpful. Even after the operation any concerns or questions were answered on the spot. I can already see a difference but am looking forward for the final result :) Thank you so much :)
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Ein ganz ganz großes Lob an Frau Dr. Ulatowski, von Gespräch 1 bis zum OP Tag und der Nachsorge kann ich nur sagen Spitze. Ich bin jetzt 3 Wochen...
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WeiterlesenIch habe mir vor über 1 Monat meine Brüste vergrößern lassen, da ich damals ein sehr kleines A Körpchen hatte. Demnach habe ich mich sehr unwohl gefühlt. Jetzt nach 6 Wochen fühle ich mich sehr gut und mein Selbstwertgefühl ist gestiegen. Ich...
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