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I cannot have a sexual life because my clitoris is separated...

26.10.2020 · letzte Antwort: 24.11.2020

I cannot have a sexual life because my clitoris is separated from/aftet a labia correction I'm not feel comfortable for the pictures but I need to know if this can be ever again corrected. I have done all ready two surgeons at the same doctor he say for to connect and never connected I'm scared to go for third. But nothing no work right there anymore. Please I need to know if this can be again correct :(


Antworten (3)

Alle Antworten auf diese Frage stammen von echten Ärzten

Hi Karen,
as far as I am concerned, I see it different. Your clitoris is fine BUT too much of labia minora tissue was bilateral removed. If this does not make any problem to you (aesthetically as well as physically), then I would suggest to reduce supreme parts of small labia and do a clitoral unhooding, as you can see an extra skin folds bilateral. But I am afraid, there is still a deficit of small labia remnants...
And it definitely takes longer than 30 minutes if someone wants to do a good job.
I wish you a good luck, kind regards, Dr. Skulavik

2 Standorte in Bratislavský kraj, Wien...

Hi, give me your mobile phone number, I will call you, regards

2 Standorte in Bratislavský kraj, Wien...

It looks on the photos, that your clitoris is not divided! It is just the skin from the inner labia which reaches far up and covers part of the clitoris. That can be removed under local anesthesia. It would take about 30 minutes operation time and is an outpatient procedure.
Kind regards
Dr. Klaus Ueberreiter


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